Sunday, December 23, 2007

om sweet om...

not much has changed since i posted last time (besides eating, chilling and one guy twisting my nerves), but i thought i might give you all a little peak in my life here, so here are some photos...

this is one of the paths that lead between gardens and guest houses which line along the beach.

this is the house i live in, together with anita from bavaria, baba ganga from bangladesh and pascal from france.

one of the many palm trees i have to avoid in order not to have a coconut hit me on the head and break in two - the kokonat, not my bosnian head. :P

the guest house manager's daughter nikita making houses (don't ask me how) on the beach.

rosanna from italy enjoying the sunset. it hit the horizon last night, but i was so much into it i didn't wanna miss it in order to go get my camera.

fishing boats passing very close to the beach...

the guest house i stayed in last time (three years ago - right window was our room) had changed immensly, so i had to take a peek.

last night we had an insanely bright moon, so i took a photo before going to bed.

so, that'd be it for now...

have a merry christmas and a happy new year!


Anonymous said...

Vidim da si ziv i zdrav!

Kod nas je oko -5 ovih dana, tak da...

Uzivaj i sretan Bozic i nova godina!

Cujemo se!


sem said...

Hej Mladen, it's Semra!
Glad to see you're enjoying. No time to read posts, but photos I can check... Om

...sSsee yOu...

Anonymous said...

slike su fantazija :) čak sam pomislio da neke stavim kao desktop.. Sretni praznici i tebi, vjerujem da ni tvoj Unutarnji Bosanac ne bi mijenjao to tamo za ovdasnjih snjeznih -8c :P

Tonkintoto said...

Well, seeing the pictures helped me realize why you were THAT excited to go back to India :)

Anonymous said...

mla! loving the photos. im back from the maldives, will post some pics soon too. i had a great time. a big merry xmas and a happy new year to you brudda! all the best. take care. x- anna

Anonymous said...

preeedivne slikice...vidim da zbilja uzivas...i zelim ti da i nastavis tako :)

Bless & Light

mizzzthanggg said...

a perfect mix of photos, mladen! hope yr 2008 starts off well here, i'm home now after a whistlestop roadtrip in Namibia & South Africa. will update my VT pages sometime.. (ha).. Happy New Year to u! Mizzie x